Queer Propaganda Machine is a decentralized network of queer and transmedia practices and performances that, despite its aesthetical eclecticism, diversity in form, and heterogeneity, form a body machine that fights right-wing propaganda with digna rabia (dignified rage), joy, dance, and humor. It is queer because the media, performances, and practices are produced and enacted by people who identify as queer, trans, travesti , marica , and/or non-binary, and because it queers modes of doing politics and media.

This machine is not natural nor neutral. It embodies the darkest fears, the most fascinating dreams, and the hopes of our contemporary society. It is a rebel machine that does not seek to assimilate but to break boundaries. It does not seek consensus but antagonizes the status quo. It is a body machine inspired by Susan Stryker’s conceptualization of the transsexual body , one that “confront(s) the modern Western subject with the specter of its own dissolution” and at the same time that allows us to imagine new modes of subjectivity.